New housing info point

The Groningen Student Union (GSb) wants to establish a new office where international students can turn to for information on their rights and responsibilities regarding housing in Groningen.

The GSb (Dutch: Groninger Studentenbond) does not yet know when the new office will actually start. Currently, the union is exploring the possibilities to determine what is necessary for the project.

The project will not be solely undertaken by the GSb. The union is looking to cooperate with other student organisations in Groningen, like Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and university council fraction Lijst Calimero.


The plans for a new info point originated from discussions that the GSb had with the municipality this year. One of the outcomes of these talks was that the housing for internationals should be improved.

According to the GSb, a lot of international students face problems when looking for a room. ‘Moreover, internationals often pay too much rent.’

Lack of knowledge

GSb chairman Ewoud Vuuregge thinks this is partially caused by a lack of knowledge amongst foreign students about what their rights are. ‘There is also a lack of quality when we look at the houses internationals live in.’

In addition to the new plans for an info point, the GSb also provides information for international students about housing in Groningen via a book, which is available for free. This book will also be handed out to international students during their introduction week.
