
Friesland plans progressing

President Poppema told the University Council that plans for the eleventh faculty in Leeuwarden are progressing rapidly.


Academic discrimination

Professorship at the RUG is much whiter and male-dominated than Dutch society at large. Can – and should – the university do better?

donderdag 20 augustus

11th faculty report done

A decision about pursuing an eleventh faculty of the RUG in Leeuwarden may be made within weeks.

maandag 16 maart

Parties propose funding

PvdA and FNP want to allocate millions of euros to the development of the eleventh faculty.

maandag 9 maart

Concerns about minor changes

Film students are concerned about changes to the faculty minor structure.



Je kunt geen festival meer bezoeken zonder over de wetenschappers te struikelen. Wat doen al die profs daar eigenlijk?

donderdag 29 januari

New College 'a surprise'

Plans for a second University College were proudly announced last week. That was a surprise to the University College Groningen.