
46: News of the Week

What’s happened in week 46? University College Groningen costs more, law faculty tolerance changes & Next gets a new name.

woensdag 5 november

45: News of the Week

What’s happened in week 45? A new City Campus, UB access restrictions, an overhaul in dentistry and more.

woensdag 29 oktober

44: News of the Week

What’s happened in week 44? Nestor and My University are merging, exam on Friday evening, open taps at fraternities and more.

woensdag 22 oktober

43: News of the Week

What’s happened in week 43? A culture of fear in the dentistry school, learning communities grow, a checkers champion and more.

woensdag 15 oktober

42: News of the Week

What’s happened in week 42? Epke Zonderland wins gold, Finno-Ugric studies end, a Middle English poem goes viral and more.

woensdag 8 oktober

41: News of the week

What’s happened in week 41? Arts PhDs are denied parental leave, RUG drops in THE ranking, Saudis are stable and more.

woensdag 1 oktober

40: News of the week

What’s happened in week 40? Smartphones forbidden, stereotypical machine has to go, brainfreeze and more.

woensdag 24 september

39: News of the week

What’s happened in week 39? Superfast internet at the UB, university builds earthquake-proof, integrity movie ready and more!

woensdag 17 september

Internationals in doubt

International staff members have their doubts about the RUG’s commitment to internationalization.

38: News of the week

What’s happened in week 38? RUG rises in rankings, UB is under construction and more.


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Extreme bedragen

MIT-alumni hebben bedrijven opgezet met een totale omzet van 1,9 biljoen dollar. De kloof tussen arm en rijk wordt er niet kleiner op.

maandag 25 januari

Slava Ukraina!

Lisse feels he’s back in Europe after crossing the Ukranian border. Fighting isn’t limited to the frontline: corruption is the enemy.

donderdag 21 januari


De ‘designbaby’-proef in het UMCG heeft nogal wat stof doen opwaaien. Breeuwsma denkt er het zijne van.

vrijdag 15 januari

Sterke winterverhalen

Terwijl Groningers over de stoep schaatsten, vroor het in Boston 14 graden. Birte zat ondertussen veilig in een druilerig Den Haag.

vrijdag 8 januari

LGBT propaganda

Lisse was surprised to discover several gay clubs in Moscow, even though gay people are being repressed by Russian legislation.

donderdag 7 januari


Breeuwsma krijgt een déjà vu als VVD en PvdA het plan lanceren om studenten per vak te laten betalen.

vrijdag 18 december

Slapen in de bieb

Op Harvard is december de tijd van de ‘tree lightings’ en ‘christmas carols’, maar ook van de ‘final exams’.

donderdag 17 december

Homo of mormoon?

Na twee bijzondere ontmoetingen komt Hadi tot de conclusie dat je beter homo kunt worden dan mormoon.

woensdag 16 december

Jedi really do exist

Yoda is not just a little green alien from ‘Star Wars’ that talks strange-ly. His words are supreme wisdom for the adherents of Jediism.

maandag 14 december


Lisse finally attends a proper Russian party. That apparently means human bowling, destroying TVs and non-stop vodka shots.