
Grote brand Herestraat

Een grote uitslaande brand heeft een pand in de Herestraat, vlak achter kleldingwinkel Sting, in de as gelegd.


Academic discrimination

Professorship at the RUG is much whiter and male-dominated than Dutch society at large. Can – and should – the university do better?

maandag 20 januari

UK-fotograaf genomineerd

Pepijn van den Broeke is genomineerd voor de Zilveren Camera met foto’s die hij maakte van de inbraakactie van de politie.

dinsdag 29 oktober

Glas valt van Bernoulliborg

Dinsdagmiddag zijn drie glasplaten van de Bernoulliborg gevallen. Er raakte niemand gewond.

maandag 30 september

'Spreekuur is geen RUG'

Is de RUG verantwoordelijk voor het doen en laten van de studenten van Het Juridisch Spreekuur? De rechter moet beslissen.



Je kunt geen festival meer bezoeken zonder over de wetenschappers te struikelen. Wat doen al die profs daar eigenlijk?

donderdag 19 september

RUG goes Deutschland

De RUG wil meer samenwerken met onze Oosterburen en opent daarom een nevenvestiging in Papenburg.

woensdag 19 juni

Winnaar Wubbo Ockelsprijs

Vrijdag wordt de eerste winnaar bekendgemaakt van de Wubbo Ockelsprijs nieuwe stijl.

dinsdag 26 maart

RUG-film bij Bessensap

Filmidee van Groningse historici over 17e eeuwse wiskunde wint NWO prijs. Dat betekent dat het idee daadwerkelijk uitgevoerd wordt.


Zoek de verschillen

Ook hbo’ers verdienen tegenwoordig een mastertitel. Wat zijn nog de verschillen tussen hbo en universiteit?

maandag 11 maart

Like Bessensap!

Onderzoeksfinancier NWO heeft 41 filmideeën van onderzoekers online gezet. Iedereen mag nu gaan stemmen.


En meer...

Pijn voor goed doel

Van rode pepers kun je een crème maken die pijn oproept. Marten Harbers gebruikte deze om mensen zenuwpijn te bezorgen.

vrijdag 26 februari

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

What exactly are Values of a Two-Year University.

Sophisticated training in this particular country is efficiently turning into a necessity from the home business group as an alternative to an extravagance. With the previous the people today who experienced a secondary faculty training even now had the chance to manufacture a superior entire world for by themselves as well as their families. People days are easily turning into one other dieing coal on the earlier. On the off probability that you simply would like to have gigantic acquiring probable amid your life span you could be absolutely restricted by your figuring out possibilities plus the stage of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting news is that you will […]

vrijdag 12 februari

Famelab: 3 minuten is kort

Hoe bel je 112 als je smartphone in je broekzak zit? Waarom moet je je kamer altijd opruimen? Op Famelab leggen ze het in drie minuten uit.

donderdag 28 januari

RUG-museum Draait Door

Voor het nieuwe DWDD-museum dook Wim T. Schippers opnieuw de depots van het Universiteits-museum in.