
RUG backs Turkish scholars

The RUG has stated its support for Turkish scholars in the Netherlands following an apparent government crackdown on academia in Turkey.


Academic discrimination

Professorship at the RUG is much whiter and male-dominated than Dutch society at large. Can – and should – the university do better?

woensdag 2 september

News of the Week: 36

What’s happened so far this academic year? RUG seeks millions for Yantai, Legionnaire’s disease in the dentistry school and more.

donderdag 20 augustus

11th faculty report done

A decision about pursuing an eleventh faculty of the RUG in Leeuwarden may be made within weeks.

dinsdag 18 augustus

RUG ranking rises

The University of Groningen rose seven spots in the 2015 Shanghai Ranking, from 82nd place to 75th.



Je kunt geen festival meer bezoeken zonder over de wetenschappers te struikelen. Wat doen al die profs daar eigenlijk?

woensdag 17 juni

Secret meeting with China

RUG president Sibrand Poppema secretly met with representatives of the Chinese and Dutch ministries of education on Tuesday.

dinsdag 16 juni

Go/no-go decision

A ‘go/no-go’ decision for the Yantai branch campus plans is scheduled for 19 October, according to a time line.

vrijdag 12 juni

UCF updates

Dean Jouke de Vries updated the Leeuwarden municipal council about the plans for the RUG’s eleventh faculty.


Zoek de verschillen

Ook hbo’ers verdienen tegenwoordig een mastertitel. Wat zijn nog de verschillen tussen hbo en universiteit?

donderdag 11 juni

Complaints about instructor

English students have complained about the behaviour of one of their instructors.

woensdag 10 juni

ReThink meets the Board

The RUG board discussed democracy and working at the university with ReThink RUG.

maandag 8 juni

First Yantai courses

Three Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences programmes are likely to be the first taught in Yantai.


En meer...

Assassins at UCG

At University College Groningen, no one is safe in a deadly serious game of Assassins.

donderdag 9 juni

Praying in the library?

The RUG does not have enough prayer rooms, foreign students say. Some students even avoid the UB altogether.

dinsdag 7 juni

'More than white men'

We all think the world consists only of white men, says Ingrid Molema. She is going to show bursaries that there is more.

donderdag 26 mei

Students don't vote

The voter turnout for the student elections was yet again pitiful, and it seems there is nothing that can change that.

dinsdag 17 mei

Africa rising?

During a symposium at the RUG this weekend, experts sought to answer the question, ‘Is Africa really rising?’

dinsdag 26 april

Shelter City in Groningen

Het project Shelter City biedt mensenrechtenactivist Abdou onderdak in Groningen. Wij kunnen leren van zijn ervaringen.

maandag 25 april

Shelter City in Groningen

The Shelter City project brought African human rights defender Abdou to Groningen, where he has a safe haven to work and study.

donderdag 21 april

Is the RUG earthquake proof?

On Wednesday afternoon, several RUG buildings were inspected for their seismic vulnerability.

dinsdag 5 april

Knocking knees

The very thought of public speaking is enough to make some people anxious. But you can learn how to do it, says Jelena Golubovic.


Reclame voor de RUG in China

De Chinese alumna Yang Liu is trots dat ze de RUG in haar land mag vertegenwoordigen, al is het niet altijd even makkelijk.